Super Energy, Vitality, Anti-aging Antioxidant Formula. 1000 mg Acetyl L-Carnitine, 400 mg Alpha Lipoic Acid & 10 mg Bioperine™ per (2) capsules, 150 capsules per bottle. * ALC or ALCAR Reduces Brown Spots, a universal sign of aging. * ALCAR reduces deterioration of brain cells associated with aging * ALCAR reduces risk of Alzheimer's Disease and may slow Progress. * ACAR also reduces risk of Parkinson's Disease and may slow progress. * Restores NMDA receptors * ALCAR reverses Neuroendoctrine Aging * Restores nerve growth factor function * ALCAR restores mitochondrial activity and cardiolipin to more youthful levels * ALCAR facilitates both the release and synthesis of Acetylcholine * ALCAR extends life span. 120 CAPSULES

  • Energy surge due to cell regeneration. Mitochondrial cell function is improved with increased antioxidant presence (ALA) and Vitamin C regeneration.
  • Cleanse you body of unwanted toxins due to increased levels of glutathione, an intracellular antioxidant. Glutathione declines severely with age leaving the cells susceptible to oxidative stress and cell death.
  • Reduces brownish pigmented aging spots that accumulate on the backs of hands by eliminating damaged fats called lipofuscin. These are the same damaged fats that are found in the brain that effect memory, mood, attention span and reaction times.
  • Improvement with Age Associated Memory Impairment heightened re-call abilities.
  • Improves reaction times of persons afflicted with Cerebral Insufficiency. It also improves attention span and memory in persons afflicted with Downs Syndrome.
  • Prevents age-related impairment of eyesight by protecting Neurons of the Optic Nerve and Occipital Cortex of the brain.
  • EXPERIENCE a sense of being restored and be in a better mood as your brains
  • NMDA receptors that enhance your cognitive function and memory return.
  • RE-ESTABLISH energy reserves. Life Span Extension Complex works to reverse Neuroendocrine Aging - the decline in the production of Cortisol - a stress prevention hormone - is halted.
  • ENHANCE your production of Acetycholine increasing your plasma testosterone levels. It is also an important neurotransmitter critical to memory and healthy brain function.
  • STRENGTHEN your immune system. Your body now presents a formidable opponent to age related diseases such as Cancer, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Lipoic Acid - a powerful antioxidant is also a re-activating agent for Vitamin C, enabling increased uptake.
  • FORTIFY your heart function due to lower oxidative stress; it restores the sick protein that transports fatty acids the hearts major fuel source.

Take it every day for 60 days and you will begin to...

  • Improve your posture and jump start your sex drive.
  • Slow down even reverse symptoms of Alzheimer's.
  • Improve memory and concentration.
  • Increase your energy level

Item #1003
39.95 Sale $29.95
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